Thiomersal Compound is a white or slightly yellow powder with a density of 2.508 g/cm3 and a melting point of 232 to 233 DegreeC. Its molecular formula is C9H9 and its CAS No. is 54-64-8. This compound has diverse applications in the pharmaceutical industry and is available in a powder physical form. Thiomersal Compound is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing of vaccines and is also used as a preservative in ophthalmic solutions. It is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it a popular choice in the pharmaceutical industry. Thiomersal Compound is best stored at room temperature.
FAQs of Thiomersal Compound:
Q: What is Thiomersal Compound?
A: Thiomersal Compound is a white or slightly yellow powder with diverse applications in the pharmaceutical industry. It is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties and is used as a preservative in ophthalmic solutions.
Q: What is the molecular formula of Thiomersal Compound?
A: The molecular formula of Thiomersal Compound is C9H9.
Q: What is the density of Thiomersal Compound?
A: The density of Thiomersal Compound is 2.508 g/cm3.
Q: What is the melting point of Thiomersal Compound?
A: The melting point of Thiomersal Compound is 232 to 233 DegreeC.
Q: How should Thiomersal Compound be stored?
A: Thiomersal Compound should be stored at room temperature.