4 Bromobenzophenone Compound is a white powder with a CAS No of 90-90-4 and a melting point of 79-84C. Its molecular formula is C6H4COC6H5, and it is primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry. This compound is suitable for various applications due to its chemical and physical properties. It is highly stable at room temperature, making it easy to store and transport. Its powder form allows for easy handling and mixing in various applications. With its high purity and quality, it is a reliable choice for pharmaceutical uses.
FAQs of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound:
Q: What is the application of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound?
A: It is primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Q: What is the melting point of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound?
A: The melting point of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound is 79-84C.
Q: What is the physical form of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound?
A: It is in powder form.
Q: What is the molecular formula of 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound?
A: Its molecular formula is C6H4COC6H5.
Q: How should 4 Bromobenzophenone Compound be stored?