2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is a high-quality pharmaceutical compound that has a CAS No: 7305-71-7 and a molecular weight of 114.17 grams (g). With a purity of over 97.5%, this compound is highly sought after for its effectiveness and reliability. Its molecular formula is C4H6N2S. The compound is ideal for use in the pharmaceutical industry due to its effectiveness in treating various health conditions. It is stored at room temperature and can be easily accessed whenever it is required. The compound is an excellent choice for all pharmaceutical manufacturers looking for high-quality ingredients to use in their products and formulations.
Q: What is the purity of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE?
A: The purity of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is over 97.5%.
Q: What is the molecular weight of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE?
A: The molecular weight of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is 114.17 grams (g).
Q: What is the molecular formula of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE?
A: The molecular formula of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is C4H6N2S.
Q: What is the storage requirement for 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE?
A: 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is stored at room temperature.
Q: What is the application of 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE?
A: 2-AMINO 5-METHYL THIAZOLE is primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry for its effectiveness in treating various health conditions.